Looking to give your cherished hound the best quality of life after an IVDD diagnosis? Read on!
Details on Purchasing My Pet Laser can be found at the close of this article. This is the laser I use and highly recommended.
Laser Therapy is Effective for IVDD Dogs
Dogs are individuals. Clearly, this is one thing we have in common with our canine companions. We know there are lots more! But let’s stick with this for now. For instance, some dogs may respond well to a certain medication or treatment. While another may not. Or a dog may have terrible side effects causing them not to be able to tolerate a specific medication or treatment. As a result, there are many factors to consider when choosing what treatments will be best for our dogs.

Happy and pain-free dog at the park after laser therapy.
3 Instances: Laser Therapy is Effective in IVDD Dogs
- The injury is in the T3-L3 area. This area of the spine ranges from the upper back to the mid-back (thoracolumbar). The thoracolumbar region is the intersection between the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine. The site, severity, and duration of IVDD all determine to what degree treatment will be successful. Dr. Pancotto, DVM, MS, DACVIM (neurology), CCRP says, “Dogs with cervical disease do not respond as well to conservative therapy as dogs with an injury in the T3-L3 area.” [Therefore, dogs with an injury at T3-L3 vertebrae do respond well to conservative treatment. Conservative treatment includes laser therapy. In our case, we know this to be true as this has been our exact experience. However, it’s not to say that dogs with cervical IVDD do not or can not benefit from conservative treatment. Dr. Pancotto only said they do not respond as well. And remember every dog is an individual. So what may not work for one dog may in fact be highly effective for another.]
2. Your dog has superficial to deep pain sensation. Ideally, your dog should be able to feel pain. The deeper the pain sensation the more they should respond to laser therapy and other conservative treatments. All cases are unique. All dogs are unique. In addition to deep pain sensation, the site, severity, and duration of the disease all play a role in the degree of effectiveness.
3. There are minimal-moderate neurological deficits. Such as:
- Ataxia (wobbly or uncoordinated gait). The crossing of paws, some refer to this as “drunk” walking
- Dragging one or more legs (often both back legs)
- Weakness and pain in the back legs
- Paralysis in one or more limbs
- Not able to walk
- Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
Remember Dogs are Individuals
Each dog will respond uniquely to whichever medical treatment is chosen, whether conservative or surgical. Including laser therapy.
Things to consider when evaluating laser therapy for your dog:
- The site (location) of the IVDD
- The severity of the degeneration
- Duration of the IVDD
- What you think your dog can handle
Our Feel-Good Experience with Laser Therapy
In our case, Isabella has responded exceedingly well to Laser Therapy! Her intervertebral disc disease was diagnosed as being located in the T3-T4 and T13-L2 vertebrae. T3-T4 is located in the upper back and T13-L2 is located in the mid-back (thoracolumbar) area of the spine. So, Isabellas identified disc degenerations were located in the spots that Dr. Pancotto indicates they should be for conservative treatment to be effective.
Possible Cervical Disc Episode
I do however think it’s worth noting, that although Isabella was not diagnosed with cervical IVDD, I’m not convinced she did not have an episode in her neck the second time she had an episode.
However, I will never know for sure as we don’t have an MRI where we live. So, we were only able to do an X-ray and clinical examination by a vet who is a general vet, not specializing in IVDD. In hindsight, I do believe she also had a compromised disc in her neck (cervical vertebrae).
Reasons I Think She had Cervical IVDD Too
- Based on the symptoms she was having
- The length of time it took her to recover
- The high level of pain she was in
- I know a lot more now about IVDD now than I did then and have had time to reflect
No Classical Neurological Deficits
It’s important to note, Isabella had no significant, classical neurological deficits. She did not have ataxia or paralysis and maintained her ability to walk. But, she was in a high level of pain and displayed the all other classic signs of IVDD:
- Arched back
- Head held low
- Pain and muscle spasms in back and neck
- Reluctance to walk, move or jump
- Trembling
- Sensitivity to touch
- Anxious, distressed behavior
She has recovered from two major IVDD episodes (using conservative treatment vs. surgery) and is doing very well. In conclusion, laser therapy has been very effective in treating:
- Acute IVDD episodes in many areas of her spine including I believe her neck
- Potentially preventing further episodes
Purchase My Pet Laser for at Home Therapy
To obtain the results Cherished Hound has achieved using our custom protocol see our article
“Laser Therapy for IVDD Dogs: Best Protocols”.
To request a quote for My Pet Laser you have 2 easy options (Approx. price $2995 USD, price is subject to change, a formal quote is required)
Request a quote online using a desktop computer at Request A Quote | My Pet Laser please use the special code CherishedHound2019. This code is to be placed in the form field that asks for a “Company Name”. In the form field that asks for “Medical Profession” choose ‘other’ or ‘patient’ from the drop-down menu, unless one of the other available options applies to you. In the “business email” and “address” form fields you may use your personal email and personal address unless you have a business email/address OR
You can contact Pam Manke at Multi Radiance Medical direct, either by telephone on her direct line at 1-800-373-0955 xx 109 or by email at pmanke@multiradiance.com.
Please reference the special code CherishedHound2019.
Purchase My Pet Laser for at Home Therapy
To obtain the results Isabella has achieved using our custom protocol as outlined in the article
Conservative Treatment
Laser therapy is a conservative treatment. Other conservative treatments/tips used to treat and prevent IVDD episodes can be found at the link below:
FREE Life-Changing Guide

Illustration of the Vertebrae in a Dogs Spine
Before you start any new protocol with your dog, particularly if they are on medication, or suffering from an acute illness or condition, you MUST check with your veterinarian prior to starting any new protocol. Please do not use the content from this blog in place of veterinary care!
I love connecting with pet parents. You might even see the answer to your question in an upcoming blog article! Feel free to reach out, and be sure to stay tuned for more!
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